JobKeeper Payment

Information for:
Extension of time to enrol for the JobKeeper scheme
The Commissioner has extended the time to enrol for the initial JobKeeper periods, from 30 April 2020 until 31 May 2020.
If you enrol by 31 May you will still be able to claim for the fortnights in April and May, provided you meet all the eligibility requirements for each of those fortnights. This includes having paid your employees by the appropriate date for each fortnight.
For the first two fortnights (30 March – 12 April, 13 April – 26 April), we will accept the minimum $1,500 payment for each fortnight has been paid by you even if it has been paid late, provided it is paid by 8 May 2020.
You can enrol and claim for JobKeeper earlier if you choose. For example, you can enrol by the end of April to claim JobKeeper payments for the two fortnights in April.
Update to JobKeeper rules
To ensure the integrity and the efficient operation of the JobKeeper Payment scheme, the Government is clarifying the operation of some rules:
- employees employed through a special purpose entity, rather than an operating entity
- charities and the treatment of government revenue
- religious practitioners
- ‘one in all in’ principles
- full time students aged 16 and 17 years old
- international aid organisations, and
- universities.
We are developing information and guidance and will update our website as soon as possible. For more information, see the media releaseExternal Link issued by the Treasurer, the Hon Josh Frydenberg MP, on 24 April 2020.
Keeping the system fair
We are committed to tackling any illegal JobKeeper behaviour to protect honest businesses and the community. If you are concerned that you or someone you know is doing the wrong thing related to JobKeeper payment, you can tell us about it. To report illegal or behaviour of concern, visit making a tip off.
See also:
- JobKeeper guides
- About the payment
- Enrol for the JobKeeper payment
- JobKeeper timeline of content updates.
Last Modified 27 April 2020
QC 62125